Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blog Swap With Johnny In A Dress

Hey guys! I am doing a blog swap with Natalie of Johnny in A Dress today! So once you are done reading her post here, make sure to head over there!

Take it away Natalie!

I am Natalie from Johnny In A Dress and I am thrilled to be here today! I love Kelly... and her blog... and all of her craftiness too! And how about her sweet girls?! I mean they just may be the cutest kids EVER! Isn't Kelly awesome?! Of course she is!
Any who, I am here today to share my Ruffled Business Card Holder Tutorial with you!
Here is how it's done:
Cut two pieces of coordinating fabric (or you can just use the same fabric) 5 inches by 7 inches.
Cut one piece of batting 5 inches by 7 inches.
Cut one strip of fabric 2 inches by 20 inches to create your ruffle (I used the same fabric that will be on the inside).
Put your machine on the longest stitch setting and sew straight down the center to create your ruffle. Do NOT back stitch!
Now pull ONE of the threads to ruffle your strip of fabric:
Pin your ruffle on the center of the outside piece of fabric.
Change your stitch length back to your normal setting and stitch the ruffle onto the center, outer piece of fabric.
Now you are going to put your fabrics together with right sides facing each other then place the batting on top.
Pin a small hair tie to the ruffle side on one of the short ends with a small portion of the hair tie on the outside. (confused?!... see the pic below)
Ok, line up all of the layers. Remember, the two fabrics right sides facing and lay the batting on top.
See that little bit of the hair tie hanging out?! That will be on the inside once we are all finished!
Now stitch around the entire case (1/4 seam allowance) leaving about a 2 inch opening on one of the long sides. Make sure you back stitch! (see next picture for clarification!)
See the opening?
Snip your corners then turn your case right side out and iron flat!
Now measure 1 inch from the edge with the hair tie and draw a line with a fabric pen. Or you can use tape of you want to. Just make sure you have a straight line to sew along.
Draw a line (or tape) 2 1/2 inches from the other edge of your case. 
Stitch straight down both lines. Make sure to back stitch!
Now fold the case along the 2 1/2 inch line. Like this:
And stitch around all four sides of the case using a 1/4 seam allowance.
And you have this! Now all you need to do is hand sew a button on then...
You have a super cute Ruffled Business Card Holder!
Yay for Ruffles and Business Cards!
I would love for you to click on over and check out my blog!
Thanks Kelly for swapping with me today! You are the best! 
Thank YOU Natalie! What a super cute project!!!

If you guys haven't checked out her blog yet what are you waiting for? Head on over to Johnny In A Dress now, you will LOVE it just like I do!


  1. Hi Kelly!
    I'm just hopping over from Natalie's blog ... nice to meet you! :-)
    I think your blog is great, and I"m a new follower!
    I hope you'll stop over at Little Lucy Lu sometime, too!
    Have a great day!

  2. Thanks Kelly! You are the best!!!

  3. craft clothing is a good design for dress. I admire those designer who also made an attention to a simple cloth.

  4. Decor and color combination is spot on add some more of these i am glade to see all these crafty work.
    membership card


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