Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Giveaways, Sponsors and Blog Swaps... OH MY!

Hey guys!

So my plan was to post my tutorial on the fabric flowers I used on my Patriotic Wreath, but I just realized I forgot to upload the pictures from my camera! {yes, very little sleep makes me a little forgetful! Forgive me please!}

So instead I thought I would do something different!

I have been wanting to branch out and do some blog swaps, so I thought I would put the offer out there with my lovely readers! :)  If you are interested in swapping with me, please contact me so we can arrange something! {email is in the Contact Me tab at the top!}

Also, I am looking to get some new sponsors! If you are interested, email me! I am offering the first month free! Contact me for all the details!

One more thing...

Giveaways! Everyone loves these! Plus they give your shop great exposure! When I hosted the giveaway for The Lovely Crow she contacted me and told me she had the highest sales EVER the week of her giveaway! That could be you!  Please contact me if you are interested in having me do a giveaway for you!

Thank You everyone! You guys are the bestest blog readers ever :)
{case in point, helping me fix my comment posting issue earlier today!}

And check in tomorrow- I should have the tutorial up by then! I just need to remember to upload my pictures! Maybe I should write a reminder on my hand.....  ;)

1 comment:

  1. I'm hopping over from Wandering Wednesday I love the stuff you have shared. Love for you to come check me out.


Thanks for commenting! I love to hear from you! :) (seriously, I do! It makes me so happy when I get a comment!)