Monday, August 15, 2011

Pinafore- FAIL

Well, I had my first major sewing FAIL this weekend!

I saw this tutorial on how to make your own pattern for a pinafore top.  Looked easy enough.

I got a dress from my little ones closet, made the pattern, put it all together and bam! A super duper cute pinafore top!




The reverse side



SO cute right?

I was so excited for Sadie to get up from her nap so I could try it on her. As soon as she got up, I went to put it on her and.... NOTHING! I couldn't get it over her head! LOL!!!

So I re-drew the pattern and made it a little bigger, and finally got one that fit her!





I gave the too-small one to my BFF who has a new baby girl, so hopefully it wasn't a total waste of time and she will be able to wear it!

And it was pretty easy to make, if you get your pattern right. lol


  1. It's so cute!! It's nice you were able to find home for the first one. I am sure she loved it.

  2. Simply stunning! I've never really tried to make tags before. Yours are absolutely amazing!

  3. Thanks for sharing your ideas. I'm just glad I was been able to visit your site. Keep it up.

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