Monday, August 1, 2011

Ruffle Butt Onsie

I did it!!!

I used my sewing machine!

I took your advice and just jumped right in. My first project is a pretty simple one, I know, but I am still so proud of it!!!!


In fact, I was so proud I couldn't even wait until it was washed and dried before I put it on my model! But doesn't she look so cute with a little ruffle tush?!? LOVE it!




And here it is after I washed and dried it.



After I took these pictures, I decided the front needed something, so I added a ruffle to the front as well. {again, pic is pre- wash and dry}

I know this is a simple project, but I still love how it came out and that *I* did it!!! 

And, I might be addicted to sewing now! I have already made a skirt for my older daughter {post on that later this week!}

Thanks for all the advice you guys gave me last week regarding sewing! :)


  1. I love it!! I've been meaning to try this too!! Your model is the cutest! Thanks for sharing!



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