Friday, September 9, 2011

Nap Mat

My daughter started pre-school (WAHHHH!!!! HOW is she old enough?!?) on Tuesday and we were told that we need to bring them a pillow and blanket for quiet time. 

Well, I couldn't just bring any old pillow and blankie, I needed to make something special for her!

I searched the Internet and found this great tutorial.

I knew it would be perfect. I LOVED how the blanket and pillow are all attached so there is no chance of losing one of them!

We headed to Joanns and I let Sam pick some fabric she liked.

She is getting pretty good at picking fabric! She went right to this owl print and I couldn't have been happier! I love it :)



I love how the blanket is extra wide so she can snuggle up with it


The pillow is the perfect size too!


And it rolls up into a perfect little carrying bag!



And here is my little pre-schooler showing us how it works :) (notice the baby snuck in the picture? lol. They were fighting over this thing all night. I am thinking this would be a perfect Christmas present for the little one....)



Isn't it perfect?! And let me tell you, when we brought that sucker to class today, everyone wanted one! So cute!!!


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