Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Garden Gnome Shoes

OK, so this should be my last post about garden gnome stuff!

But I finished the final touch to my little one's costume and had to share them!


Are those not the cutest things EVER?!?!

I *sort of* used this tutorial here, but not completely.

I used the same red wool felt I used for her hat and I just made them one layer thick.

I also cut slits along the top so I could thread ribbon through. This way I can tie them on her feet and they won't fall off!

And just like the hat, she hates them! LOL!

I didn't take a picture, but I also added puffy paint to the bottoms of them to create some traction so she doesn't slip when walking!

And here is the whole costume together!

I absolutely LOVE how it all came out, I wish my little one felt the same! haha! Hopefully I can get her to keep it on long enough for a couple cute pictures!

I can't wait for Halloween to get here now!!!!


  1. I love those! Great Job! I really like the ribbon woven in. I gotta get going on my gal's dress. I think I'm just going to use the Prudent Baby Snappy Dress pattern. Wish me luck!


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