Sunday, October 2, 2011

Remember Me?

Hey everyone!

I feel like it has been FOREVER since I had a craft related post!

I have been super busy the last week since we are re-modeling our bathroom. And since the bathroom was going to be all new stuff, I decided the bedroom needed an update too! So I have been shopping and painting like a mad woman!
AND- this weekend I ran my first ever 5K Mud Run! Let me tell you, it was SO FUN!!! I cannot wait to do another one!

Here I am after I finished!

Me and the Hubster

And our friends who ran it with us

We seriously had a great time and are already looking for another one to sign up for!
And I am sure you noticed I am the least muddy of the group.... I am not a really big fan of dirt and mud, so this was WAY out of my comfort zone! LOL.

Anyways, I have a bunch of crafts in the works, so I hope to post them soon!

It wont be tomorrow though because we are taking the kids to DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!

Hopefully the crafts I have waiting to post will make up for my absence lately!

Still love me? :)


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