Thursday, October 20, 2011

Why didn't I Think of That?

So remember where I showed you guys the Garden Gnome Hat I made for my little one's Halloween costume?

Well one of my super crafty and adorable readers Melissa is also making her little girl a garden gnome for Halloween and she used that tutorial for her hat!

And then she blogged about it and OMG I LOVE the addition of the flowers she added to hers!

I mean seriously, is that not the cutest thing EVER?!?!

So now, I need to add flowers to my hat!

You guys need to head on over to La La Bliss to check out her post on her hat HERE and make sure to check out all the other super adorable projects she has on her blog!

She has a super cute Halloween wreath over there made all from items from the dollar store! And it is CUTE!!! Not to mention the tutorial on the most adorable little witch hat headband ever! Go check out her blog!!!

Make sure you say hi and let her know you were sent from me and Living Craftily Ever After!


  1. Oh my gosh! That is soooo adorable!!

  2. Oh my goodness, what a precious picture! I love the gnome hat, totally makes me day!

  3. Thanks so much Kelly! Your hat was my inspiration and I can't wait to see the shoes you put together!
    Thanks again!

  4. Love that hat!
    Also I gave you a blog award @
    Hope you stop by and pick it up


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